How to Use ChatGPT to Summarize YouTube Videos

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In today's digital age, video content has become a primary source of information and entertainment. With the abundance of content available on platforms like YouTube, it can be challenging to consume everything you're interested in efficiently. However, with the help of ChatGPT, you can now summarize YouTube videos quickly and effectively. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Find a YouTube Video

Start by searching for a YouTube video that you're interested in summarizing. For example, if you're interested in artificial intelligence (AI) podcasts, you can search for "AI podcast" on YouTube.

Step 2: Access the Video Transcript

Once you've found a suitable video, click on it to open the video player. Then, click on "More" to expand the video description. Next, click on "Show Transcript" to display the video's transcript.

Step 3: Copy the Transcript

After you've accessed the video transcript, click the three dots next to the transcript and toggle timestamps "off." Then, copy the entirety of the transcript.

Step 4: Use ChatGPT to Summarize the Video

Switch over to ChatGPT and prompt it with "This is the transcript from a 30-minute YouTube video. Can you summarize it into its ten main points?" Paste the transcript into the prompt and wait for the summary to be generated.

Step 5: Customize the Summary (Optional)

If the summary is too long, you can easily customize it by clicking the pencil icon and changing the number of main points. For example, you can change it to five main points and save and submit the prompt again.

Step 6: Review and Use the Summary

Once the summary is generated, review it to ensure it captures the key points of the video. You can then use the summary to quickly understand the content of the video without having to watch the entire thing.

While ChatGPT may not yet be able to summarize hours of video content, it can definitely save you time by summarizing most videos. Try it out the next time you need to quickly summarize a YouTube video!


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